Located in the Clear Lake area, Swan Lagoon has 78 single-family properties with a median size of 2,349 square feet. The neighborhood is close to medical facilities, the Johnson Space Center, playgrounds, gazebos, nature trails, a flower garden and an open recreation area.

Median home value: $327,500

Homes on the market*: 2

Homes under contract: 1

Median annual property taxes: $8,797.57

Median price per square foot: $109.85

Average days on the market*: 71

Median build-out year: 1963

Median square footage: 2,349

HOA dues (estimated): none

Schools: Robinson Elementary School, Space Center Intermediate School, Clear Creek High School
Property taxes (in dollars)

Clear Creek ISD 1.31

Harris County 0.40713

Harris County Flood Control 0.02792

Port of Houston Authority 0.01074

Harris County Hospital District 0.16591

Harris County Dept. of Education 0.005

City of Nassau Bay 0.73212

Total (per $100 valuation) 2.65882