Median home value: $327,500
Homes on the market*: 2
Homes under contract: 1
Median annual property taxes: $8,797.57
Median price per square foot: $109.85
Average days on the market*: 71
Median build-out year: 1963
Median square footage: 2,349
HOA dues (estimated): none
Schools: Robinson Elementary School, Space Center Intermediate School, Clear Creek High School
Property taxes (in dollars)
Clear Creek ISD 1.31
Harris County 0.40713
Harris County Flood Control 0.02792
Port of Houston Authority 0.01074
Harris County Hospital District 0.16591
Harris County Dept. of Education 0.005
City of Nassau Bay 0.73212
Total (per $100 valuation) 2.65882