Bay Oaks is a 690-acre neighborhood located in Clear Lake City, a master-planned community in southeast Houston. Bay Oaks comprises 1,150 homes. It began construction in 1989 and was completed in 2005. Most residents work nearby in many professional fields, including aerospace, petrochemicals and medicine.

Median home value: $545,000

Homes on the market: 10

Homes under contract: 4

Median annual property taxes: $15,067

Median price per square foot: $136.27

Average days on the market: 80

Build-out year: 1997

Median square footage: 4,211

Home values: $365,000-$925,000

HOA dues (estimated): $850 annually

Schools: Falcon Pass Elementary School, Space Center Intermediate School, Clear Lake High School
Property taxes (in dollars)

Houston: 0.56792

Harris County: 0.40713

Harris County Dept. of Education: 0.00500

Harris County Flood Control: 0.02792

Harris County Hospital District: 0.16591

Clear Creek ISD: 1.31000

Port of Houston: 0.01074

Clear Lake City Water Authority: 0.27000

Total (per $100 valuation): 2.76462