Meadowgreen is a neighborhood in Clear Lake that features mostly midsized homes. This is a well-established community that continues to attract interest from buyers looking in the Houston area. The neighborhood is close to restaurants, schools and other amenities.

Build-out year: 1978-88

Median square footage: 1,992

HOA dues (estimated): varies

Amenities: Restaurants, schools, entertainment venues, shopping districts

Schools: Clear Lake City Elementary School, Clear Lake Intermediate School, Clear Lake High School

Property taxes (in dollars):

Houston: 0.59

Harris County: 0.42

Harris County Dept. of Education: 0.01

Harris Count Flood Control District: 0.03

Harris County Hospital District: 0.17

Clear Creek ISD: 1.40

Port of Houston Authority: 0.01

Clear Lake City Water Authority: 0.27

Total (per $100 valuation): 2.90