Harris County Public Health Executive Director Barbie Robinson was removed from her position on Aug. 30.

What’s happening?

In an Aug. 30 news release, Harris County Administrator Diana Ramirez announced the dismissal of Robinson from her position as executive director over HCPH.

“I made the difficult decision to dismiss Barbie Robinson from her role as executive director of Harris County Public Health,” Ramirez said in the release. “We are launching a national search immediately to find a new executive director who will continue to drive our mission forward.”

Robinson was named executive director in March 2021 with unanimous support from county commissioners, according to previous Community Impact reporting.

What’s next?

Deputy County Administrator Leah Barton was appointed as the interim executive director on Aug. 30 to oversee county health operations while a new executive director is found.

“Our focus remains on serving the people of Harris County in alignment with our countywide goals and guiding principles,” Ramirez said. “I appreciate the hard work of our Harris County Public Health team and their continued commitment during this transition.”

HCPH provides comprehensive health services and programs to the community. The mission of the organization—made up of approximately 700 public health professionals—is to promote health and well-being by advancing equity, building partnerships and establishing culturally responsive systems, according to the website.