League City city officials will consider approving a feasibility study for the first of two new fire stations the city hopes to build as it seeks to improve fire service on its western side.

What you need to know

League City City Council at its Feb. 11 meeting will consider approving a $24,000 feasibility study to determine whether an area south of Muldoon Parkway on the city’s west side is suitable for building the city’s seventh fire station.

Former Fire Chief Michael Lugo previously told Community Impact he anticipates Fire Stations Nos. 7 and 8, approved in May 2024, will shave several minutes off the current 15-minute response time on the city’s western side, which remains undeveloped in many parts.

Diving in deeper

Fire Station No. 7 will have three drive-through bays for an ambulance and fire engine, and a minimum of eight dormitory rooms for firefighters and EMS personnel, according to agenda documents.

The project’s design phase is expected to cost $2.25 million and the construction phase is expected to cost $15.65 million, according to agenda documents.

Also on the agenda

City Council will also vote on whether to award a $96,000 bid to EHRA Engineering to reconstruct the traffic signals at Lawrence Road and Village Way.

There are also a few items on the agenda related to upgrades at parks within the city, documents show.

Stay tuned

League City City Council will meet at 6 p.m. Feb. 11 at City Chambers, 200 W. Walker St., League City.