Projects totaling just under $1 billion have been granted state and federal funding in Galveston County, as laid out in the Houston-Galveston Area Council’s 2025-28 Transportation Improvement Plan.

What you need to know

Community Impact previously reported that during an April 3 meeting, the H-GAC unveiled the 2025-28 TIP, which allocated federal and state funding to transportation projects across eight counties in the Houston region.

Funding is allocated to the projects every four years as part of the 2045 regional transportation plan, which is also managed by H-GAC.

Why it matters

According to the TIP documents, Galveston County will have roughly $1 billion in federal and state funding allocated over the next four years for a number of projects, including:

I-45 improvements: $129.2 million
  • Scheduled for fiscal year 2024-25
  • Widen from six to eight main lanes between south of causeway to 61st Street
  • Reconstruct two two-lane frontage roads and construct a direct connector ramp
  • Construct a direct connector ramp from northbound 61st Street to westbound I-45 S.
Hwy. 99 improvements: $409.6 million
  • Scheduled for FY 2025-26
  • Construct four-lane tollway with interchanges and two noncontinuous two-lane frontage roads from I-45 to the Brazoria County line
FM 270 improvements: $19.6 million
  • Scheduled for FY 2024-25
  • Widen from two to four lanes from FM 518 to FM 646
FM 646 improvements: $106.3 million
  • Three projects scheduled for FY 2024-25
  • Reconstruct and widen from two to four lanes with a raised median and railroad overpass from Edmunds Way to FM 1266
  • Widen from two to four lanes from FM 1266 to FM 3436
  • Widen from two to four lanes from FM 3436 to SH146
Holland Road: $15 million
  • Scheduled for FY 2027-28
  • Construct a four-lane roadway from I-45 to Attwater Avenue
Century Boulevard: $5.5 million
  • Scheduled for FY 2027-28
  • Widen roadway from two to four lanes between Hwy. 3 to South Point Boulevard
What else?

H-GAC will accept public comments regarding the proposed list of projects for the 2025-28 TIP through April 24.

Public comments can be submitted online through the H-GAC comment portal. Once the public comment period is over, the project list will be finalized, and funding will be allocated in May based on any changes made, according to H-GAC officials.