Contractors and League City Public Works Department workers have located and isolated a water line leak, but it will take “a few days” for it to be repaired.

Until the line is repaired, League City is asking residents to voluntarily conserve water by not using sprinklers, washing vehicles outside or otherwise using large amounts of water. This is in line with Phase 1 of the city’s drought contingency plan, according to a news release.

The leak is located on the main water supply line between the Hwy. 3 pump station and Walter Hall Park. The line supplies about 70% of the city’s surface water supply, the release reads.

Sarah Greer Osborne, director of communications and media relations, said the city will send emails to homeowners associations on the east side, which is supplied mostly by the leaking water line, to remind homeowners to conserve water.

Osborne said if there is a time to get a leak, it is now; in the winter, water use is already far less than it is in the summer, she said.

Utility line repair workers noticed the leak Feb. 6, and League City officials asked residents to begin conserving water Feb. 7.