Candidates for Clear Creek ISD board of trustees District 1 answered questions ahead of the upcoming May 3 election.

What you need to know

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Click here to read the Q&A for At-Large Position B.

*An asterisk indicates incumbent.

Jessica Cejka*

Experience: three-year trustee, former educator, parent to three CCISD students, [Parent Teacher Association] volunteer

Occupation: real estate agent

Contact Information: 832-541-6616

What are your priorities, if elected?

Recruit and retain quality educators by advocating for them. Maintain and strengthen academic excellence by expanding CCISD programs such as STEM [or science, technology, math and engineering], GT [or gifted and talented program], and dual-language. Encourage parent involvement and collaboration. Sustain strong fiscal accountability.

What changes, if any, would you like to see with the district’s budget?

Our district is doing a good job balancing a budget during difficult times. We earned community support with voter approval of the tax rate election and bond propositions in 2023 and were able to update schools, add additional security and technology while lowering the CCISD tax rate.

Should the district address declining enrollment? If so, how?

We need to continue to strengthen our schools and the programs we offer so CCISD is a destination district. We have looked at options for limited open-enrollment and I hope to consider online options in the future to meet the needs of all students.

Would you support the district going for a bond within the next year to keep up with facility and technology upgrades?<br>

We have aging schools needing upgrades in the near future. Due to the state funding formula, this must be done through a bond. I would encourage the district to continue to evaluate facility needs and determine when a bond could be passed without increasing the tax rate for our citizens.

What do you think the state should do to support education?

We need the state to fully support public education. The state has not increased the basic student allotment since 2019. We receive $6,160 per student and this makes it challenging to balance a budget. My hope is we receive an allotment increase this year as well as additional funds…

Joe Machol

Experience: eight years Seabrook City Council…

Occupation: professional official for football/baseball, WWII ETO [European Theater of Operations] tours owner/operator

Contact Information: 281-804-0434

What are your priorities, if elected?

Help the CCISD taxpayer keep their hard earned money in their own pocket. Be fiscally responsible.

What changes, if any, would you like to see with the district’s budget?

Cut wasteful spending.

Should the district address declining enrollment? If so, how?

Declining enrollment could be offset with recruitment.

Would you support the district going for a bond within the next year to keep up with facility and technology upgrades?

Bonds only if absolutely necessary, after looking into cost cutting measures and possible waste.

What do you think the state should do to support education?

The state should support education through programs already designed for districts that meet requirements.