In November’s general election, League City residents will have the opportunity to vote on competitive races for League City City Council.

One of the positions set to appear on the ballot are for Position 5, which is held by Justin Hicks and is also competitive. Position 4 will not have a competitive race.

Council positions in League City are “at large” positions, meaning they represent the entire city rather than a specific geographic area, according to the city’s website.

Early voting starts Oct. 21. Election Day will be held Nov. 5.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Click here to read the Q&A for candidates running for Position 3.

* indicates incumbent

Justin Hicks*

Experience: I am the incumbent and deputy mayor with four years of relevant experience.

Occupation: project manager in the oil and gas industry

Contact Information: 409-204-8944

Why are you running to represent League City residents on the City Council?

During my incumbency, I have engaged with thousands of League City residents and found that I have a tireless passion for solving their problems. League City was nominated [as] the fourth safest city in the United States and has some of the lowest taxes around. Let's keep it that way.

What will you bring to this office in terms of your qualifications or perspective?

While on council, I have used my experience and perspective to lower the property tax burden on the citizens … while increasing police manpower by 10%. Our customer service model has improved drastically. I will continue to strive for safe neighborhoods, clean streets and low taxes.

If elected, what would your top priorities be over the coming term?

Safety, safety, safety. Without safety, nothing else matters. I intend to continue finding more creative ways to build unfunded infrastructure projects and relieve some of the remaining traffic burden we have in … parts of town. Additionally, growth needs to be steered towards a sales tax funding model vs. property…

Joseph “Joe” J. Italiano III

Experience: financial positions of increasing responsibilities in Fortune 500 companies followed by CFO of several companies.

Occupation: financial consultant, licensed CPA in Texas, certified financial planner

Contact Information: 832-977-6749

Why are you running to represent League City residents on the City Council?

[I’m a] member of the League City Finance Committee and [I’m running] as a fiscal conservative and taxpayer advocate. [I’m a] balanced business voice for residents, police and firefighters, small business owners and city workers.

What will you bring to this office in terms of your qualifications or perspective?

[I’m a] licensed CPA in Texas and CFP … with 25 years experience in Fortune 500 companies including Ford, PepsiCo, GTE and Siemens combined with 15 years as the CFO in public, private and private-equity-sponsored companies. I believe my experience would be helpful in managing the city's path forward.

If elected, what would your top priorities be over the coming term?

Maintain fiscal discipline and ensure the future financial strength of the city. Maintain and improve the quality of life for the community. Continue to improve the infrastructure to address traffic, runoff and other neighborhood concerns.