Located in Galveston County, Texas House District 24 encompasses the communities of Friendswood, League City, Clear Lake Shores, Kemah and Seabrook.
Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
For more information about voting in Galveston County, click here.

Greg Bonnen
Greg Bonnen has served as a Republican member for the 24th district of the Texas House of Representatives.
Candidate Website:
If re-elected, what will be your priorities?
I am proud to have Governor Abbott’s endorsement for re-election to continue to protect and defend Texans and our freedoms. We have banned sanctuary cities in Texas, added over $6 billion to protect our southern border, passed the heartbeat bill to protect the unborn, and delivered record property tax relief.
What kind of school-related legislation do you feel the state should be focusing on?
Legislation that empowers parents, strengthens their voices, and protects impressionable minds from indoctrination. Standardized assessments should be more efficient, school accountability ratings more transparent, and both should be accurately reflective of performance. We must also increase pay for classroom teachers and continue to make our schools safer.
What, if anything, do you feel the state fell short on in its 2023 session?
In 2023 we provided historic property tax relief, record funding for border security, increased support for community colleges, and a freeze on tuition and fees at public universities. I would like to see further increased state funding for public education and [State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness] test elimination in 2025.
Are there any policies that can be passed to help Texans deal with inflation?
Additional tax relief will enable Texans to keep more of their hard-earned money. Texas will continue to balance its budget, reduce debt and increase property tax relief. The federal government must stop excessive federal spending.
What would you like to see prioritized in terms of Gulf protection projects?
I have always supported the Coastal Barrier System for protection against storm surge and further funding for flood mitigation along our numerous creeks and bayous. Every year I work with a coalition of coastal legislators to fight windstorm insurance increases, and this cycle will be no different.

Larissa Ramirez
Candidate could not be reached for comment.
Candidate could not be reached for comment.
Candidate Website:
Candidate could not be reached for comment.
Contact Information:
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Candidate could not be reached for comment.
If elected, what will be your priorities?
Candidate could not be reached for comment.
What kind of school-related legislation do you feel the state should be focusing on?
Candidate could not be reached for comment.
What, if anything, do you feel the state fell short on in its 2023 session?
Candidate could not be reached for comment.
Are there any policies that can be passed to help Texans deal with inflation?
Candidate could not be reached for comment.
What would you like to see prioritized in terms of Gulf protection projects?
Candidate could not be reached for comment.