Mark Denman
served on Nassau Bay City Council and as mayor, along with several boards and committees; volunteer
retired business executive
Candidate Website:
Why are you running for this position?
My first order of business is to restore harmony and unity to our community by putting Nassau Bay first. I'll ensure proper decorum is followed [and] that all council meetings are conducted professionally, observing all legal requirements for open meetings and following Robert's Rules of Order. And I'll make sure they are broadcast via livestreaming so our citizens can view remotely what their Mayor and City Council are doing if they can’t attend in person. I’ll also re-establish our seat at the regional table (which has been lost) with other area mayors and elected officials. I want to get our city moving forward again as we have been in a stalemate for the past several months due to the loss of a popular city manager. Many of our city activities have been suspended due to loss of key staff. When I left as mayor late 2020 we had a vibrant, active and cohesive council, staff and volunteers, all pulling in the same direction. I will get that back again so we can focus on critical issues like infrastructure repairs/enhancements, parks, commercial development and basic city services.
What is the most important issue facing Nassau Bay, and how would you address it?
Returning our city to a vibrant, active and beloved place to live [is the most important issue]. [It is] important we restore confidence in council and replace key staff losses. Once achieved, we need to focus support on the [Federal Emergency Management Agency's] subsidized home elevation program, getting as many homes raised as possible that qualify in order to reduce flood losses and flood insurance costs. While doing that we must continue to replace our old sewer and water lines. Planning started five years ago. Phase 1 is funded and in process, [and we] need to begin the funding process for Phase 2 and Phase 3. We also need to work with dilapidated multifamily complexes to improve property condition, remove problematic renters [and] reduce crime instances.
What makes you the best candidate for this position?
Having recently retired, I am able to focus full-time on leading our city again. My experience of nine years on council and eight years as the previous mayor allows me to hit the ground running, [needing] no orientation period. I hope the fact that I was never opposed in my four terms as mayor showed we had a very satisfied constituency with my leadership. And when I left office our city was in excellent shape financially, staff was stable, we had great leadership in our city manager, and we were moving forward, cohesively, taking care of all critical issues. And six area mayors, [including those representing] Seabrook, Friendswood, League City, Taylor Lake Village, Morgan’s Point and Houston (Mayor Pro Tem), have endorsed me for this election along with State Sen. Larry Taylor. I understand none of them can vote for me, but it does show the respect and confidence neighboring city and state leaders have in my leadership ability.

Phil Johnson
former mayor, current Nassau Bay City Council member, various committees
Atmos Technologies president, CEO
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
Why are you running for this position?
I have lived in Nassau Bay for 27 years and have a long history of volunteering, including serving as mayor and on council (1997-2004). My motivation is to preserve our “Incomparable Nassau Bay” for future generations. Urban planners are working to change the city’s character by adding more high-density apartments. I want residents to be represented and will continue fighting to preserve our suburban charm; protect churches from urbanization and proposed new zoning laws; enforce codes; and increase ordinances to deter short-term rentals. I want to attract businesses residents can enjoy to bring the community together.
What is the most important issue facing Nassau Bay, and how would you address it?
My primary priority is managing finances to improve infrastructure, mitigate flooding and provide fiscal transparency. In 2020, I returned to public service after seeing challenges regarding the ability to fund needed projects. The city’s administrative costs grew by almost 60% over inflation with an unfunded pension during my opponent’s administration. I led the effort to restructure costs allowing us to, No. 1, achieve an AA+ bond rating to fund the largest infrastructure effort in the city’s history without raising tax rates; No. 2, purchase a new fire boat; and No. 3, purchase playground equipment with the largest influx in new families in decades.
What makes you the best candidate for this position?
I currently serve on City Council and have served as mayor and on council (1997-2004). [I am a] founding member of the Economic Development Corp./NASA Area Management District, Redevelopment Authority/[Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone], and on most city committees, including infrastructure for 17 years. Over the years, I worked to successfully overcome many challenges our city faced, including mitigating flooding, repairing streets/sewers, improving playgrounds, reinvigorating commercial areas, and most importantly, saving taxpayers money. I believe in limited government and one that is responsive to the needs of the community.