Residents interested in running for Nassau Bay City Council have a couple weeks left to submit candidate applications.

According to the city's website, Positions 1, 3 and 5 are up for election May 1. Position 1 is held by Don Matter, Position 3 by John Mahon and Position 5 by Sandra Mossman.

Mahon is term-limited, meaning he is unable to run for re-election, but Matter and Mossman have applied to run for their own seats, according to the city.

City Council appointed Mossman to fill Position 5 at the Jan. 5 regular council meeting. She filled the chair that was left empty after former Position 5 Council Member Bob Warters was sworn in as Nassau Bay's mayor.

Former Council Member Ashley Graves has submitted an application to run for Position 3. Graves was on the council but failed a in bid for mayor, which resulted in her losing her council seat.

Those interested in running for election have until Feb. 12 to submit candidate applications at the city secretary's office. The candidate information packet can be viewed here.