Special services for elementary students in Clear Creek ISD will receive additional staffing to help meet needs from increased enrollment after the board of trustees approved the measure on Sept. 9.

The overview

Since the 2019-20 school year, the enrollment for elementary students in the special services department has increased by about 51%, according to CCISD documents.
This is a similar trend throughout the district as well, which overall has seen an increase in special education enrollment.
Enrollment numbers for the special services department are determined through each self-contained program, and resource or inclusion support program, district agenda documents show.

Secondary campuses have been able to meet unanticipated enrollment needs by reallocating existing staff, according to district documents.

What else?

The special education department will get an additional three full-time employees and one part-time employee for seven paraprofessional alternative academics, or AA, and resource/inclusion, or R/I, positions, documents show.

These additional units will be used to support students at the following schools for the following programs:
  • Walter E. Hall E-STEM Magnet School, AA
  • Wedgewood Elementary, AA
  • I.W. & Eleanor Hyde Elementary, AA
  • Clear Lake City Elementary, R/I
  • Florence Campbell Elementary, R/I
  • League City Elementary, R/I
  • Brookwood Elementary, R/I
The additional positions will cost $245,000 through general funds, according to district documents.