Standardized testing scores in Texas for high school students show State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness performance largely held steady this spring compared to previous years, according to a June 14 news release from the Texas Education Agency.

The details

The percentage of students who received an assessment of “meets grade level” remained consistent from 2023 to 2024 in algebra I, biology and English I, according to the TEA. According to scores released by TEA, there was a 4 percentage point increase in the percentage of students meeting grade level in English II, which reached 60%; however there was a 2 percentage point decrease, from 71% to 69%, in the percentage of students meeting grade level in U.S. history.

An increase was recorded in the emergent bilingual students who met grade level across all end-of-course assessments. These students saw an increase in English I and II, gaining 4 percentage points in grade-level proficiency.

“This improvement is particularly significant as it represents a substantial population of students, with 24% of Texas’ 5.5 million public school students classified as emergent bilingual,” the TEA news release stated.

What they’re saying

“The 2024 STAAR End-of-Course results highlight both the progress Texas students and educators have made, and the challenges that remain to help students improve outcomes, which can only come from a robust assessment and accountability system. While we celebrate the gains in English II, we must also acknowledge the areas where student performance has not recovered to prepandemic levels,” Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath said in the news release.

In other news

STAAR results show a decline in math and science for students in third through eighth grade, according to the TEA.

TEA officials said decreases in the math portion of the test show the challenges students have had in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The results show reading-language arts proficiency varied across grade levels, with some grades demonstrating improvement and others slightly declining. Grades three, five and eight experienced a decrease where each dropped by 2 percentage points. The percentage of students meeting grade level in grades four and six rose by 3 and 4 percentage points, respectively.

“Results from the 2024 STAAR 3-8 assessments reveal the significant gaps in mathematics achievement across our schools," Morath said. "While we continue to see progress in other areas—which is a testament to the dedication and skill of our Texas educators—it’s clear that math performance is not where students need it to be for success after graduation."

What’s next

Once families receive their unique access codes, they will be able to view their child’s individual EOC and STAAR scores at