College of the Mainland is hosting a community event to celebrate Black History Month that will feature a guest speaker who works within a Texas City refinery, according to a Feb. 16 news release from the college.

What you need to know

The event, titled “African Americans in Industry—Refineries and Engineering” will be held at 12:30 p.m. on Feb. 27, according to the news release. It will feature Bo Hunter, the first Black process operator at a Texas City refinery.

The event will generally recognize the accomplishments and innovations by African Americans in refineries and engineering, according to the college’s website. The college will also showcase new engineering programs at the event.

The event is the last one of a few held throughout the month in the college’s effort to highlight Black History Month, according to the release.

The first one featured a panel discussion earlier in the month between Black industry leaders in the area, such as Charles Broussard, a construction project manager and land acquisition manager for the Bay Area Habitat for Humanity, according to the release.

Quote of note

Speaking on the panel discussion from earlier in the month, Broussard said in the release that the event indicated that the college and the people within the industry “actually care about the outcome of these students."

“We discussed colorism, women in industry and [students] asked what our motivations were when seeking a profession,” Broussard said in the release.