Clear Creek ISD’s board of trustees will take a vote on its academic calendar for the 2024-25 school year at its Jan. 22 meeting, according to the agenda.

What you need to know

CCISD’s board will consider three possible options for its newest calendar, which all differ slightly in start dates, student holidays and teacher in-service dates, according to the options.

Option 3, which is the recommended option from district staff, calls for pre-K, kindergarten, and sixth and ninth grade students to start Aug. 13, with everyone else starting Aug. 14. The last day of school for students would fall on May 22.

The calendar choices were put out for a survey in late 2023. A committee also met to discuss the calendar options further Jan. 17, according to the district’s agenda.

Also on the agenda

The board at the meeting will also be voting on contracts for facility projects at several schools, according to the agenda. The approval of a new high school principal will also be up for a vote.

Stay tuned

CCISD’s board meets at 6 p.m. Jan. 22 at its education center, 2425 E. Main St., League City.