Answers were requested to not attack opponents and be under 75 words, so answers might have been edited to fit guidelines or for style conventions and clarity.
Residents interested can vote early from April 24-May 2.

Jamieson Mackay
PTAs, various committees, Clear Creek Education Foundation, Communities in Schools
Credit union executive
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What should the district focus on as the "Vision 2023" plan develops?
The district needs to focus on innovative programs that engage students, their parents and the community at large. We need to make sure that all students are receiving a world-class education that prepares them to become productive citizens whether they plan to attend college or go straight into the workforce.
If elected, what would be your priorities?
My priorities are to listen and learn. The various stakeholders have a lot to offer when it comes to input on how our local school district can better serve students.
What makes you the best candidate for the job?
My entire professional and volunteer career have been centered around my passion for public education. My vast board experience and financial background make me uniquely qualified to be a trustee in the current environment.

Glencora Rodgers
Master's in educational administration, worked in education at multiple levels, PTA president, volunteer
Educator, mom
Candidate Website:
What should the district focus on as the "Vision 2030" plan develops?
The Vision 2030 team has made four recommendations: expanding tuition-based pre-K, scaling the “Leader in Me” program districtwide, transforming certain intermediate schools to “schools of innovation,” and creating a new standard for learning spaces. One focus moving forward needs to be finding a balance between pushing for innovation and being fiscally responsible.
If elected, what would be your priorities?
The function of the school board is to provide citizen governance and oversight. Therefore, my first priority will be to listen. My motto is “talk to anyone and listen to everyone.” I will also advocate—advocate in Austin for funding and changes to our assessment system, advocate for students, advocate for teachers who feel underappreciated, and advocate for our district to a community that in too many situations is losing trust.
What makes you the best candidate for the job?
Numerous challenges face our district that would be best addressed by someone with my knowledge and experience. Teacher engagement is declining. If we cannot attract and retain qualified teachers, nothing else matters. Budget shortfalls are looming. I have experience knowing what truly matters in teaching and learning and will fight for those things as cuts are considered.