Editor's note: A previous version of this article did not explain the metric regarding literacy developments. It has been updated to reflect this metric.

Clear Creek ISD superintendent Eric Williams is set to focus on items such as budget developments, student academic growth and personalized learning, as defined by the 2022-23 superintendent targets.

The CCISD board of trustees unanimously approved the six superintendent targets at the March 28 board meeting. The targets are based off of the strategic plan and community based accountability pillars, according to the presentation.

Measuring the success of the targets is based on fidelity, effectiveness and impact. Each target was presented with multiple entries under each metric, with specific ones being pointed out that resonated most with district officials.

The targets that were approved were budget development, student academic growth, personalized learning, instructional best practices, literacy developments and mental health resources and support.

Many of the metrics shown with particular targets included faculty and staff working in groups to help improve the district, such as State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness/End of Course teachers participating in collaborative groups to help ensure success in classes for student academic growth, and teachers participating in professional development to help implement new learning strategies for instructional best practices. Literacy development will be measured by focusing on reading proficiency for students based on benchmarks.

A major metric for budget development was being able to create a stakeholder advisory committee to help guide budget making decisions.

With an increasing need for improved mental health resources due to previous unconventional school years from COVID-19, the mental health resources and support target will include sending out surveys to see how well students and parents are able to access mental health resources and support in the district.

Another major target that has been in the works for the past few years is personalized learning, which the district is currently in the process of evaluating by looking at data and learning walk results, as previously reported by Community Impact Newspaper.

The targets will go into effect for the upcoming 2022-23 academic school year.

“I appreciate the change in the process and the change in the timing. I think that will be really valuable,” board trustee Laura DuPont said.