Clear Creek ISD high school students will now have more flexible options when it comes to choosing the format of some of their classes.

For the 2022-23 school year, students across the district have the option to take certain kinds of virtual classes for either their first- or seventh-period class. Every grade level has the opportunity to sign up for them, but they must have their own reliable transportation for the remainder of the school day, according to a Feb. 22 press release from the district.

During the course, students will be taught without face-to-face interaction from the teacher and will complete coursework on their own time.

The courses will all be computer based and will be taught by a certified district teacher. The classes will be counted toward a student's GPA. Some of the classes that will be offered in this format include world geography, personal financial literacy, English 4, psychology, government and economics.

“We understand our students and families have a variety of needs, so we are trying to meet the individualized learning requests of our students,” said Dava West, the district's director of counseling and student services. “Students can choose to focus on what they need during that period, whether it is other schoolwork or even choosing to wake up a little later if that works for their schedule.”