A total of 3,114 businesses in Clear Lake, League City, Webster, Seabrook and Kemah received Paycheck Protection Program loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration totaling at least $229.19 million, according to SBA data.

The loans saved at least 37,693 local jobs, according to the data.

The SBA awarded low- or no-interest PPP loans to thousands of businesses nationwide to curb the economic effects brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. The SBA released data July 6 on who received PPP loans and for how much and how many jobs were saved as a result.

The data is broken down into two sets: businesses that received less than $150,000 in loans and those that received $150,000 or more. The first data set does not include the names of businesses that received loans but shows the exact loan amounts each business received. The second one includes the name of businesses that received loans but only a range of money received, not an exact amount.

Of the seven ZIP codes in the area—77058, 77059, 77062, 77565, 77573, 77586 and 77598—businesses in the ZIP code 77573, which makes up League City, received the most loans. A total of 1,046 League City businesses received PPP loans, 93 of which were for $150,000 or more, according to the data.

The ZIP code 77058, which includes part of Clear Lake, received 559 loans, 99 of which were for $150,000 or more. ZIP code 77598, which includes Webster, received a similar number of loans, at 548, 105 of which were for $150,000 or more, the data shows.

ZIP codes 77062, which includes part of Clear Lake; 77565, which includes Kemah and Clear Lake Shores; and 77586, which includes Seabrook, received 243, 242 and 272 loans respectively. Of the total 757 loans, 89 were for $150,000 or more, according to the data.

Finally, ZIP code 77059, which includes part of Clear Lake, received the lowest number of loans at 177, 10 of which were for $150,000 or more, according to the data.

Of the more than 3,100 loans, only two were for $5 million-$10 million: Bastion Technologies in Houston and American Homestar Corporation in League City, the data shows.

Another 14 businesses received loans from $2 million-$5 million, and all but four of them are located in Houston. Another three are Webster-based, and one is based in Seabrook, according to the data.