Editor's note: This article has been corrected to clarify the museum's previous locations and timeline to reopening.

The Butler Longhorn Museum has relocated to a new space in Kemah.

The details

The museum, which celebrates Milby Butler’s effort to save the Texas longhorn from the verge of extinction, as well as the history of Galveston County, has migrated to a new site in Kemah, Executive Director Monica Hughes confirmed.

The museum's League City flagship closed in August 2022, Hughes said. Though initially set to relocate to Galveston's Historic District as previously reported by Community Impact, Hughes decided to open in the Kemah location instead due to extended construction on The Depot.

Hughes said the museum never ceased operations while without a brick-and-mortar location, opting to host events and lectures for groups around Galveston County.
The Butler Longhorn Museum has relocated to many places within Galveston County since 2018, according to previous Community Impact reporting. (Courtesy Monica Hughes)
Diving in deeper

The Butler Longhorn Museum is home to unique artifacts, local art, history and science exhibits, as well as a gift shop, according to its website.

The museum also has exhibits highlighting local Native American history, Japanese Americans in Bay Area Houston and Vietnamese immigration in the Houston-area, Hughes said.

New features at the Kemah location include the addition of an Italian heritage museum, according to the website.