The property tax rate is $0.515 per $100 valuation. It is proposed to drop to $0.465—a $0.05 decrease, according to an Aug. 2 news release.
The owner of a $300,000 home would pay $1,545 to League City under today's tax rate but would pay $1,395 under the proposed rate. Both examples do not include homestead exemptions.
The proposed operating budget—which starts Oct. 1, the beginning of FY 2021-22—totals $163.2 million, an increase of $6.37 million over the FY 2020-21 amended budget of $156.83 million, according to the release.
The $6.37 million increase comprises a $2.42 million increase to the general fund, a $1.13 million increase to the debt service fund, a $3.99 million increase to the special revenue funds and a $1.16 million decrease to the utility fund, the release reads.
The general fund increase includes several factors, including the addition of 10 staff members, raises and cost-of-living adjustments for various staff members, filling vacant positions from fiscal year 2020-21, a health insurance cost increase, adding new city vehicles, and more, according to the release.
Debt service is increasing due to the anticipated third general obligation bond sale in calendar year 2021, totaling $25.8 million. The fiscal year 2021-22 budget includes the estimated debt service payment for this sale, per the release.
The special revenue funds are increasing to replace outdated technology and fund new software.
The first reading and public hearing for the FY 2021-22 budget will be held Aug. 24.