Twelve candidates submitted applications to run for open Richardson City Council seats by the close of the filing period Feb. 15. The election will be held May 4.
In addition, Richardson Mayor Paul Voelker is uncontested in his bid for another term.
Council members Scott Dunn, Place 3; Mabel Simpson, Place 4; and Marta Gomez Frey, Place 5, will not seek re-election.
The three remaining incumbents—Bob Dubey, Mark Solomon and Steve Mitchell—have applied to run again. Solomon and Mitchell will run uncontested.
Jason Clarke will run against Dubey for Place 1.
Newcomers vying for Place 3 are Janet DePuy, Dan Barrios and Franklin Byrd.
In the race for Place 4 are political newcomers Kyle Kepner, Raymond DeGuzman Sr. and Johnny Lanzillo.
Candidates Kenneth Hutchenrider and Mauri Long are running for Frey’s Place 5 seat.
Early voting runs from April 22 through April 30.