Consultants with Burns & McDonnell continue to work on identifying recommendations and future solid waste service options for Richardson during the review of the city’s solid waste master plan.

Scott Pasternak, associate and senior project manager with Burnes & McDowell, presented initial recommendations and options to Richardson City Council during a work session Nov. 4.

The overview

Most of the recommendations focused on short-, medium- and long-term goals for Richardson’s solid waste services, which include trash, recycling, and bulky item and brush collection. City Manager Don Magner said the short-term focuses will focus on tweaks and enhancements to solid waste operations, and the long-term goals will focus on the outlook and potential cost for solid waste service changes.

“I don’t think there’s a consensus or budgetary on-ramp to make big changes in the way we collect trash and recycling,” Magner said.

Pasternak said preliminary recommendations include:
  • Enhance current bulky item and brush collection program
  • Enhance current multifamily and commercial services
  • Maintain relationships with the North Texas Municipal Water District and Dallas County
  • Prepare for expiration of recycling and organics processing contracts
Potential tweaks to solid waste services could include hiring an environmental outreach coordinator that would work with solid waste, communications and code enforcement, along with revisions to clarify city code, Pasternak said.

The details

According to a meeting presentation, Richardson spent over $8.5 million, around 49% of solid waste revenue in the 2023-24 fiscal year, on personnel and vehicle costs.

“It’s important to keep in mind with regard to future decisions that are made,” Pasternak said. “Two of the biggest drivers within the solid waste industry are the cost of people in terms of salaries increasing and equipment.”

Pasternak added that further considerations for future solid waste service could include replacing temporary labor with full-time equivalent positions, evaluating existing route boundaries and hiring a dedicated recycling services supervisor.

Looking ahead

The Burns & McDonnell consultant team will take feedback received from council members and the public to inform the final recommendations for the solid waste master plan, which is expected to provide a 20-year outlook.