Another round of community feedback is open for the update to Richardson’s comprehensive plan.

According to a city news release, an online survey, which allows residents to provide feedback on the plan update, opened June 7.

Two-minute impact

In addition to the online survey, an in-person feedback meeting is scheduled from 6:30-8:30 p.m. June 11 at the temporary City Hall, which is located at 2360 Campbell Creek Blvd. A second community summit is planned from 10 a.m.-noon June 22 at the Heights Recreation Center, which is located at 722 W. Arapaho Road.

Per the news release, individuals will be able to provide feedback on certain elements of the draft plan updates, which will be used to craft the final version of the plan update.

Looking ahead

The plan is designed to provide goals, objectives and policies for city planning over the next 20-25 years.

The online survey is scheduled to remain open to residents through July 7, according to the news release.