The creation of two new departments and separation of another were approved by Richardson City Council amid several amendments to the city’s administrative code.

The changes were approved during the Sept. 25 meeting after an initial briefing at the Sept. 18 work session.

The overview

As part of the approved changes, the city created new facilities and fleet services, and economic development departments and corresponding director-level positions. The convention and visitors bureau was also broken out into its own city department, based on the proposed changes included in the meeting packet.

Some amendments also included adding more responsibilities to director positions including:
  • Director of engineering and capital projects, which will now oversee the Capacity, Maintenance Operations Management program
  • Executive director of the Charles W. Eisemann Center, which will now review rental rates and policies annually and develop short- and long-term plans for marketing, operation and management of the building
  • Community services administrator, which will now serve as the city's Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator and review all special event applications
Updates to the administrative code are made every two years. Some of the changes also reflect new positions funded in the approved fiscal year 2023-24 budget.