Council was briefed on the proposed changes by Management Analyst Haley Alsobrook during the Sept. 18 work session.
Two-minute impact
Every two years, council is required to review the city’s administrative code, Alsobrook said. The code lays out the organizational flow chart for the city, department director responsibilities and the role of the city manager.
This year’s update proposes two new departments—facilities and fleet services, and economic development—and separates the convention and visitors bureau into its own department. New responsibilities are also being added to the director of engineering and capital projects, executive director of the Charles W. Eisemann Center, and community services administrator.
Full proposed changes are available in the agenda packet for the Sept. 18 meeting.
What they’re saying
“The updates we’ve made to the administrative code will better reflect our current organizational structure, and it’ll better reflect the roles and responsibilities of the directors, particularly the two new directors: economic development, and facilities and fleet services,” City Manager Don Magner said.
What’s next?
Council will vote on the administrative code changes during the Sept. 25 meeting.