Learn more about the candidates running for Plano ISD Board of Trustees Place 6 ahead of the May 3 election.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.

Elisa Klein

Experience: Plano ISD Education Foundation Executive Board Member (Vice President, Vice Secretary, SKI Plano Chair)

Occupation: Chief Creative Office at MKC Create

Contact Information: 469-585-6444

Why are you running?

As a lifelong Plano resident, PTA mom, business owner, PISD graduate, and dedicated volunteer, I am passionate about public education. Every student deserves a voice, and I am committed to serving our students, teachers, and families with dedication and compassion. This is the time to vote for candidates like me that support public education.

What are the biggest issues facing Plano ISD?

Enrollment trends; Changing demographics; Teacher retention and recruitment; Recapture

How do you plan on addressing these issues?

1. Conduct regular reviews to identify underutilized buildings and evaluate plan of action. Promote innovative programs like STEM, CTE, and the arts. 2. Ensure a safe & healthy environment for all (teachers and students) that promotes learning. 3. Listening sessions. Competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits. 4. Advocate for changes to recapture and practice fiscal responsibility.

What will your top priorities be if you are elected?

I am passionate about ensuring high-quality education for all students in Plano ISD. My priorities include: Fiscal Responsibility by managing the district's budget efficiently and transparently; Supporting Teachers and Staff; Promoting a safe and healthy environment for all students; Strengthening Community Engagement; Promoting Innovative Learning Opportunities.

Andrew Rettke

Experience: Candidate did not respond to questionnaire before press time.

Why are you running?

Candidate did not respond to questionnaire before press time.

What are the biggest issues facing Plano ISD?

Candidate did not respond to questionnaire before press time.

How do you plan on addressing these issues?

Candidate did not respond to questionnaire before press time.

What will your top priorities be if you are elected?

Candidate did not respond to questionnaire before press time.

Dash Weerasinghe

Experience: 28 years as an educator 15 year Plano ISD Employee Knows how to Improve Districts

Occupation: Education Consultant

Candidate Website: https://dashforplano.com/

Contact Information: 443-345-0025

Why are you running?

Our schools are the heart of our community. They shape the future leaders, innovators, and citizens of tomorrow. I have lived in Plano for 27 years. As a dedicated member of this community, I am running to ensure that every child in Plano receives the best possible education.

What are the biggest issues facing Plano ISD?

The biggest issues facing plano are falling student enrollment, retaining high quality teachers and principals, generating new funding streams to increase pay for our best teachers, and falling performance standards. Today we are a B- school district and we need to turn the direction of Plano ISD now.

How do you plan on addressing these issues?

The biggest challenge for Plano ISD is decreasing student performance. We need to ensure there are rigorous curriculums and textbooks, excellent teachers to deliver instruction, and principals and district leaders held responsible to ensure that teaching results in student growth. Plano simply needs focus and get the job done.

What will your top priorities be if you are elected?

My top priorities are Higher Teacher Pay for our Best Teachers, Ensure more funds are directed to the classroom, Make Plano an “A-Rated” district and Improve our “D” and “F” Schools, Serve the Plano ISD Community by Listening to All Parents, and Financial Responsibility.