Learn more about the candidates running for Richardson ISD Board of Trustees Place 5 ahead of the May 3 election.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.

Cristina Angelina Neria

Experience: 2yrs Substitute teacher at The Highland School in Irving, Texas 3yrs after-school aide at St. Monica Catholic School and 1 yr Catechism Teacher Teacher at Mother’s Day out at Good Shepard Day Episcopal Church in Dallas, Texas 26 years of Motherhood, raised 4 children - two boys and two girls

Occupation: Document Process Clerk at the Dallas County Sheriff's department

Why are you running?

To be truthful I’m running because I am like every mother and taxpayer in this district. I’m a concerned parent. I've seen our children, particularly K-8, not receiving a proper education. I aim to raise educational standards, enhance safety, and promote parental involvement in decision-making.

What are the biggest issues facing Richardson ISD?

All high school students need more encouragement to take AP classes. Some<br>elementary schools aren't adequately teaching BASIC subjects, like for example, Math, reading, English, and History Additionally, there are uncertified teachers still teaching, which needs to be addressed immediately.

How do you plan on addressing these issues?

I plan to encourage AP course enrollment and make high achievement the expected standard, verify teacher certifications, and establish transparent communication goals between parents, teachers, and students.

What will your top priorities be if elected?

My top priorities will be to ensure students are prepared for college, promote nutritional programs, and establish effective communication between teachers, parents, and students.

Rachel McGowan*

Experience: Richardson ISD Board of Trustees

Why are you running?

Candidate did not respond to questionnaire before press time.

What are the biggest issues facing Richardson ISD?

Candidate did not respond to questionnaire before press time.

How do you plan on addressing these issues?

Candidate did not respond to questionnaire before press time.

What will your top priorities be if you are elected?

Candidate did not respond to questionnaire before press time.