Board members in the school district serve three-year staggered terms and are not subject to term limits. Five of the seven seats on the board are chosen by registered voters of specific districts, while the remaining two seats are elected at large by all voters. This voting system is the result of a lawsuit settled in early 2019 that accused the board of Voting Rights Act violations.
Candidates were asked to limit their responses to 75 words, answer the question provided and avoid attacking their opponent. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines. Otherwise, they have been left unedited.
Early voting is from April 24-May 2. Voters County may cast a ballot at any Dallas County polling location during early voting and on election day. Visit or to see a full list of where to vote during early voting and on election day.

Bonnie Abadie
A degree in Marketing and 30 years in business. I was also a substitute teacher in RISD.
Self-employed owner of North Dallas Martial Arts & Paradise
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
[email protected]
What are the biggest challenges facing Richardson ISD?
The budget, teacher retention, and learning loss due to the shut down.
How do you plan to address these issues?
We need to address the needs of the district before the wants. We need to get open feedback from teachers as to why they are leaving or considering leaving and implement the changes before they leave. We also need to go back to tried and true pedagogy and stop buying into the new fangled ideology for teaching.
What qualities or expertise make you uniquely qualified for this role?
I’m a successful business owner and former substitute teacher so using those experiences, I would bring a unique quality to the board.
How should school board members evaluate school and student performance in your district?
We need to look at more than just test scores. We need to look at student growth. They may still be failing, but did their scores increase? That’s a positive thing if they are still failing, but had tremendous growth.

Debbie Rentería
Parent of 2 RISD children, school board trustee, former educator
School Board Trustee
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
[email protected]
What are the biggest challenges facing Richardson ISD?
A significant barrier is a lack of equal and adequate funding for our public schools. The state used to pay about 50% of the school budget, but now that funding has decreased to roughly 35%. Funding per pupil has decreased when adjusted for inflation, and Texas teachers are paid behind the national average. When we fail to give teachers and students the investment they deserve, we miss opportunities to grow and lose a competitive edge.
How do you plan to address these issues?
I support competitive pay to keep teachers in our district and the practice of a positive work culture. This means being attentive to the needs of teachers, ensuring they have relevant and helpful training, and investing in resources to improve their job. Students are experts in their own educational experiences, and I welcome more opportunities to highlight their voices. It enhances our perspective about their wants, needs, and expectations for their schools.
If elected, what would be your top priorities?
My top priorities are teacher retention, enhancing student safety, and defending public education. Quality education begins with hiring, keeping, and appreciating top-notch teachers. Students can only thrive when they're safe, comfortable, and welcomed in their learning environment. I'll ensure that we continue to give Richardson families the best public school system. Saying no to vouchers and expanding opportunities for students gives families more confidence and it secures a promising future for our schools and students.
What qualities or expertise make you uniquely qualified for this role?
Because of my background, I’m able to consider decisions from the perspective of a former educator, longtime volunteer, friend, and neighbor. Most importantly, as the mom of two grown children who are each a product of RISD, I look at decisions through the eyes of a parent. I value community input and take seriously the concerns of neighbors. I approach every decision with a sense of fairness and an open mind.
How should school board members evaluate school and student performance in your district?
My goal as trustee is to ensure that all students have what they need to succeed. To identify progress, the board looks at data from state testing and teacher input. When a student or group of students continuously face challenges or aren’t reaching their full potential, I always want to get down to the why. Understanding who needs more support and why helps us create policy better suited to serve every student in our district.