You may have noticed that, unlike other publications, Community Impact Newspaper does not contain a crime section. We are committed to covering news we find most useful and important to our readers, which is why we cover crime only when it has implications on our other coverage areas.
Olivia Lueckemeyer
Our February edition front-page story provided an update on the Palisades development in Richardson. Some readers may remember when the rezoning of this area was a topic of intense scrutiny among nearby residents and City Council members back in 2013.

We chose this month to check in on Palisades because it coincides with the federal criminal trial of former Mayor Laura Maczka, now known as Laura Jordan, and her husband, Palisades developer Mark Jordan.

You’ll see the trial mentioned in the story, but more prominently you will find information on the development and where it stands today—the piece of the bigger picture we believe matters most to you.