More open space and apartments could be developed in the future within Richardson’s CityLine development.

A request to increase the maximum number of apartments in the entire CityLine development by 1,175 to 5,100, add more open space and have a higher minimum density was unanimously approved by Richardson City Council during the July 8 meeting.

The overview

The request, made by the mixed-use development’s developer, KDC, would only impact a 62.5-acre planned development district between North Plano Road to the west and R Street to the east, just north of CityLine Drive, Director of Development Services Sam Chavez said. Within the specific district, the increase of 1,175 apartments would allow up to 3,100 to be constructed, according to city documents.

City Manager Don Magner said the proposed plan from KDC helps lay out a vision developers and potential corporate tenants might see as viable.

“What we hear often is the next corporate tenant we recruit there wants more [assurance] around what CityLine will be and that it will be completed,” Magner said. “One of the pros of the plan that’s before you tonight is that it creates a path forward that’s based in market reality.”

The details

In addition to a higher allowance of apartments, more open space and a minimum density of 60 units per acre will be required within the planned development district, Chavez said. According to the staff presentation, 6.6 acres of open space will be provided along the easternmost portion of the district while at least 2.78 acres of a 4.64-acre area earmarked for open space must be provided.

Walt Mountford, executive vice president of development at KDC, said the additional residences—which include a draft proposal of seven five-story apartment complexes—will help support the existing retail along State Street and within the CityLine Market. The marketplace is fully leased and occupied while only 58% of the State Street retail has tenants.

Along State Street, a further 39,000 square feet of retail space has never been occupied.

“Our request is simple: it’s to help CityLine’s urban retail with more residential [development] while also providing at least one viable buildout scenario for our investors, which [means] everyone with a vested interest in the success of this project,” Mountford said.

Some context

The Richardson City Plan Commission previously recommended denial of the proposed planned development district amendments during its July 2 meeting. No recommendation was approved in the initial hearing June 18.

As part of their denial, commissioners cited a lack of adherence to the vision for the mixed-use development and wanted to see more creative retail or entertainment uses proposed.

What they’re saying

“I’m worried that if we don’t vote yes on this, what we have built out from the plan, as far as the retail, will continue to struggle, or at a minimum just stall,” Council member Joe Corcoran said.

“What I still see missing after 10 years is entertainment,” former mayor Paul Voelker said, speaking in reference to the vision for CityLine.

What’s next?

Mountford said the development of the proposed five-story apartment complexes could take around eight years to build out. However, he added that there has not been a finalized version for how the additional residential development would be constructed either in a wrapped apartment complex or a midrise or high-rise building.