The Plano Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval of a modified version of one policy option presented by staff during its April 1 meeting. The modified proposal would consider two general types of short-term rentals—live-in management and off-site management—within the city’s zoning regulations.
The gist
The amended recommendation would allow live-in management for short-term rentals regardless if there is one room or two or more rooms available, as defined in city documents. Live-in short-term rentals would be allowed within any residential district without a specific-use permit, so long as another short-term rental is not within 300 feet.
Any live-in management rentals within 300 feet of another short-term rental would need to obtain a specific-use permit, which involves going through the planning and zoning commission as well as council. Short-term rentals with off-site management would be allowed in all but one nonresidential zoning district and within some multifamily residences.
As with past iterations of the proposed regulations, short-term rentals in operation prior to the adoption of a one-year interim ban may continue to operate provided they are in compliance with the proposed registration program set to be considered by council.
“There is a fear that we’re going to get overrun with these, and there’s a fear that they will get opened in every single neighborhood in the city,” Planning and Zoning Commission Chair David Downs said. “The market and the demand is going to resolve that issue.”
What they’re saying
“We don’t know that the next 50 one-room short-term rental [operators] that come in won’t be among the favorite people in their neighborhood,” Downs said.
“I think options one and two open that gate up to every place in the city and then permits short-term rentals in every neighborhood in the city. ...” said Planning and Zoning Commissioner Michael Bronsky, who voted against the amended recommendation. “I believe option three is the best way to move forward because it protects what we have as findings from the committee.”
What’s next?
Council is expected to consider both the proposed registration program and recommended zoning regulations during its April 22 meeting.