Multiple projects associated with the $364 million bond package approved last May by Plano voters have been completed or will be finished in 2022.

The bond is largely aimed at city infrastructure improvements with more than half of the bond—$231 million—dedicated to street improvements, according to city documents.

Other projects to be completed include a $5.5 million renovation project of Plano’s City Hall and a $15.9 million renovation of Tom Muehlenbeck Recreation Center. Two turf fields will also be added to Russell Creek Park along with various renovations and improvements to parks across the city, including Hoblitzelle East, Horseshoe, Windhaven, Arbor Hills Nature Preserve playground, Schell North, Bob Woodruff North Longhorn, Steeplechase, Tejas, Cottonwood Creek Greenbelt and Sunset parks.

The city plans to replace exterior lighting at Oak Point Recreation Center, and the roof at Courtyard Theater will be replaced.

Around $27.1 million is set aside for renovations to various public safety facilities, including multiple fire station renovations and improvements to the police training academy.

Nearly $2.5 million will be used in upgrades and renovations to various city libraries, including Schimelpfenig Library, Haggard Library and Parr Library.

City Manager Mark Israelson said the various bond projects will help maintain the quality of life Plano residents have come to expect.

“Plano has a reputation for being well managed, well maintained and a great place to raise a family and do business,” Israelson said. “We want to keep with that stuff. The very big focus for us is the infrastructure and maintaining that infrastructure.”