Plano ISD has approved its academic calendar for next school year.

What you need to know

PISD board of trustees approved the district’s calendar for the 2024-25 school year during its Nov. 28 board meeting. The new calendar sets the first day of school for Aug. 13 and the last day of school for May 23, 2025.

The calendar also added five minutes of instructional time per day to all grade levels besides high school and senior high school, which see their start and end times moved back five minutes due to transportation.

PISD Chief Communications Officer Lesley Range-Stanton said the additional five minutes will provide teachers with two full days of instructional planning.

What else

According to the approved calendar, PISD students can expect a full week off for fall break from Oct. 14-18 and a full week for Thanksgiving break from Nov. 25-29.

Winter break is set for Dec. 23-Jan. 3 and spring break is planned for March 17-21. Range-Stanton added that lining spring break up with neighboring districts and Collin College was a priority when drafting the calendar.

The first semester will be 82 days long, and the second will be 89. The second semester is generally longer due to testing, Range-Stanton said. She also added that PISD’s 171 instructional days is comparable to McKinney and Frisco ISDs.

Learn more

The full presentation on next year’s academic calendar can be found on PISD’s website.