Why are you running for PISD board of trustees?
I want to serve the community. I have lived in Plano for 20 years. Both my daughter and my son attended Plano schools from kindergarten through 12th grade. I know the city well and have a strong affection for Plano. I feel this city is my home and I want to give back. On my personal side, both my kids have either graduated from college or are in college. I don't have to spend time driving my kids to sports and other activities, neither do I need to spend time attending their activities. I feel I have the energy and time to serve the community.Why are you qualified for this position?
I'm a long-time community server. I have been a Boy Scout leader for 13 years. Currently, I'm an assistant scoutmaster of Troop 291, member of the Northern Lights District Committee, unit commissioner for Troop 1999 and Pack 1259. In addition to that, I was the coach of a youth basketball team in PSA for several years when my son was young. Also, I have been teaching weekend Chinese language classes for several years. I worked with kids a lot. I know kids and know how to work with them. As a Boy Scout leader, I participated in many leadership trainings and I feel these skills will be useful everywhere.If elected, what will you focus on?
I'll be focusing on the teaching quality of PISD. Specifically, I want the school district to focus on the average and below-average students. I want PISD to leave nobody behind. More information about Liu's campaign can be found on his website.Place 2 is currently held by Carrolyn Moebius, whose term ends in May. Amanda Jackson, Angela Powell and Sree Yedavalli have also filed for Place 2. Election day is May 6 from 7 a.m.-7 p.m., and early voting will run from April 24-29 (8 a.m.-5 p.m.) and May 1-2 (7 a.m.-7 p.m.). Polling locations have not been announced.