The public hearings for Dallas Area Rapid Transit's special use permit requests in Plano have been delayed until Feb. 15.

The two requests apply to the land around the downtown DART station, where the Silver Line will connect with the current Red Line station. The existing station will be redesigned, and an elevated station will be built across 12th Street and the railroad tracks, with zoning approval.

DART staff is still working with engineering staff to resolve a few issues, a letter to the commission said, causing the request to be delayed.

The Plano Planning and Zoning Commission approved this delay for the public hearings unanimously.

Parker Road request for smaller lot sizes abandoned by developer

The planning and zoning consulting company behind a 16.8-acre housing development along Parker Road withdrew its requested zoning change.

This request, which would have allowed for smaller lot sizes on the property, was tabled until Feb. 1 for discussions with neighboring residents. But at the Feb. 1 meeting, the group shared that it had chosen to withdraw these requests.

The applicants, Chen You-Hong and Hong Zhuang, are not expected to return with similar requests, city staff said.

American First National Bank receives renewed approval for expired plans

American First National Bank received approval Feb. 1 for a replat, revised preliminary site plan and revised site plan in one go.

The bank first submitted and received approval to separate the bank's property along K Avenue and 19th Street into two plats in 2012 and received approval. However, the plat was never filed and expired, along with associated concept plans.

With renewed approval, the bank aims to subdivide the property into two lots, sell one lot with an existing office building and relocate to a new building on the undeveloped lot, a letter to commissioners said.

To prepare the land for sale, the bank will create easements for the existing office and create a public way access point from K Avenue into the property, submitted paperwork said.

These requests were approved by commissioners in an 8-0 vote.