Editor’s note: This is the latest information reported by Collin and Denton counties, the city of Plano and the state of Texas through their public dashboards and websites.

As the state of Texas surpasses 1 million total confirmed positive cases Nov. 13, the number of daily confirmed cases of COVID-19 continue to rise in Plano.

In early October, the number of positive cases reported daily averaged at roughly 20 cases. As if Nov. 13, that trend is closer to 53 daily cases, with 416 new cases reported in the week of Nov. 6-13.

There have been 21,264 total reported cases of COVID-19 in Collin County since reporting began in March and 19,322 total cases in Denton County. Since Nov. 2, there have been 2,420 new cases reported in Collin County and 2,107 new cases in Denton County.

From both counties, there have been 5,133 reported cases in Plano as of Nov. 13. There are 433 active cases in Plano as of Nov. 13.

Denton County began counting antigen-tests in addition to molecular, or PCR, tests in early October and Collin County altered its dashboard to only report hospitalizations in early November. Collin County daily active cases, daily reported cases and daily updates of the number of deaths are no longer available.

Among the key indicators monitored by health experts is the number of hospitalizations. On Nov. 13, Collin County reported 267 lab-confirmed COVID-19 patients hospitalized. The number of hospitalized patients has increased in recent weeks in both counties, with a spike over the last week.

The numbers of confirmed cases are partly dependent on the number of tests administered, which is why the state tracks the positivity rate as another one of its key indicators.

The state's weekly positivity rate hit a record high of 24% as of Aug. 11 and after dropping substantially has recently come closer to 9%. The rate is averaged over the previous seven days and calculates the ratio of new cases to the number of tests conducted.

Gov. Greg Abbott has previously said a rate of 10% or more is cause for concern. Here is a look at the rate since early April.