With the beginning of summer on the horizon, there's no shortage of events going on in Plano. Here's what's happening this weekend:


Downtown Plano Art & Wine Walk The Downtown Plano Arts District will host a wine-and-art-themed tour through downtown Plano. Those who purchase tickets will receive will be able to participate in the walk and will also receive a commemorative wine glass. Those who haven’t purchased tickets can attend a live reggae concert at the same location, which is free to the public. The event is held on the second Thursdays of every month from now until December. Ages 21 and older. 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. $12 (online). $18 (at the door). 998 E. 15th St. www.visitdowntownplano.com/winewalk/


Plano runoff elections The final day to vote in the runoff elections to decide the two Plano City Council seats will be this Saturday. Anthony Ricciardelli and Ann Bacchus are running for Place 2. Rick Smith and David Downs, the incumbent, are running for Place 8. Voters can find their polling location in the Community Impact Newspaper Plano voter’s guide. 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. 972-941-7120. www.plano.gov/312/Elections


2017 Plano Race for the Cure Susan G. Komen North Texas will host its Race for the Cure on Saturday. Registrants can choose to either participate in the 5K, or the 1-mile family fun run. Up to 75 percent of the proceeds will remain within the Plano community to fund breast cancer education, as well as cancer screening and treatment programs. The remaining 25 percent of the proceeds will go to national scientific research. 7 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. $25 (youth). $35 (adults and survivors). $45 (online registration with gift package). 5360 Legacy Drive. 972-378-4808. komennorthtexas.org


North Texas Pride Festival The North Texas Pride Foundation will hold its pride festival in downtown Plano at the Saigling House at Haggard Park. The event will include food and drinks, children’s activities, vendors and a raffle for an Alexa bluetooth speaker. 1 p.m. - 9 p.m. at 902 E. 16 St., Plano. Free (youth). $10 requested donation (adults). northtexaspride.com