After rejecting the city’s original tax rate proposal in August, Plano City Council on Monday adopted a property tax rate, capital program and operating budget for fiscal year 2018-19.
The council approved a 2017-18 property tax rate of $0.4603 per $100 valuation, a 1.8 percent rate reduction from last year’s rate that, because of rising Plano property values, would nevertheless raise nearly $13.6 million in new tax revenues. Of that total, $6.9 million is expected to come from new properties recently added to the tax rolls.
The council also approved the city’s operating budget and community investment program, which details $195 million in city capital projects during FY 2018-19.
The budget and tax rate each passed by votes of 5-3, with council members Tom Harrison, Rick Smith and Anthony Ricciardelli voting in opposition. The Community Investment Program, a summary of future bond-funded expenditures, passed 7-1, with only Harrison opposed.
The final tax rate was the result of a compromise between some council members who wanted to follow the city staff’s recommendation to adopt an unchanged rate, and others who wanted to prevent property tax collections from rising at all.
Council members Rick Smith and Anthony Ricciardelli in August opposed the city staff’s proposed rate of $0.4686 per $100 valuation, which was identical to last year’s rate, and announced support for a rate that would have kept property tax rates from rising at all. Council Member Ron Kelley proposed the $0.4603 rate at the time as a consensus option, which was adopted formally on Monday.