The Plano City Council's consent agenda for a regular Aug. 8 meeting includes adopting a resolution for the purchase of helmets, plate carriers and rifle-rated hard armor plates for the Plano Police Department totaling $362,246. The enhanced ballistic protective equipment is a first for the city's officers, whose SWAT teams have similar specialized equipment, said David Tilley, public information officer for Plano Police Department. "Officers killed by gunfire is up around 75 percent this year. This equipment is something we have been looking at purchasing for awhile now but wanted to get the best product for the money," he said. "Once the equipment is dispersed, training will follow. We do regular training on active threat incidents but will conduct additional training with this [equipment]." Other matters of business slated for the meeting include:
  • Consent agenda item to approve terms and conditions with Oncor Electric Delivery Company for the burial of a portion of and the rebuild of a portion of existing overhead facilities in the alley ways of 14th Street and K Avenue downtown underground. The $334,579 project aims to improve neighborhood aesthetics.
  • Public hearing on the FY 2016-17 recommended budget and proposed community investment program.
  • Consideration of a resolution to accept the certified appraisal rolls for FY 2016-17.
  • Public hearing to consider amending sections of the city's comprehensive zoning ordinance pertaining to sign regulations for downtown businesses and other nonresidential areas located in the Heritage Resource Overlay District. The amendments would require a letter of appropriateness from the city for certain signage prior to receiving a sign permit.
The regular meeting begins at 7 p.m. with a preliminary meeting to take place prior to the regular meeting. Both can be viewed live and online at