Construction along segments of Park Boulevard to replace waterlines under the roadway is expected to begin this September in Plano.

Plano City Council authorized more than $7.7 million for the improvements, which include two phases, during the July 22 meeting.

Funding for the project is paid for through the city’s water and sewer fund, which draws revenues from water and wastewater bills paid by residents and businesses in Plano.

What you need to know

The water line rehabilitation project includes two phases with work occurring simultaneously, city officials said. The first will start at Preston Road and Park and move west to east toward US 75, while the second phase involves moving from east to west starting at the eastern city limits and moving toward US 75.

Community Investment Program Engineering Manager Clay Lipscomb said work crews will focus on replacing water lines within small portions of the road at any given time. The replacement will take existing cast-iron pipes and replace them with PVC before further repairs on the road are conducted.

“Having these older water lines replaced reduces maintenance, and therefore any future damage or maintenance, once the new pavement and overlay are in place,” Lipscomb said.

Looking ahead

The replacement of water lines is expected to be completed in summer 2025, according to the city’s website.

After waterline repairs are complete, work crews will begin repairing concrete on Park Boulevard in 2025 before moving to apply an asphalt overlay in 2026, Lipscomb added.