Plano City Council approved the 2024 Heritage Preservation Plan—a regular update that occurs every five years—during its June 10 meeting.
What you need to know
The heritage preservation plan was last updated in 2018 and the most recent update process began in 2023, Assistant Director of Planning Eric Hill said.
The updated plan contains several components, including the identification of 10 potential new heritage resources and 34 potential new neighborhood conservation districts, according to city documents. Hill said the identification of both is for information only and does not trigger any necessary zoning action.
The city is also in the process of updating its funding allocations for heritage preservation grants–funded by hotel and motel occupancy tax dollars–for the 2024-25 fiscal year budget.
The details
Hill said there are five new actions that have been added to the plan:
- Conduct a desktop survey of all parcels within listed potential neighborhood conservation districts
- Conduct a reconnaissance-level survey of all properties located within newly identified potential heritage resource districts
- Compile all existing heritage resource survey data in a GIS database and share it online with the public
- Create GIS layers that consolidate all prior heritage designations to share online with the public
- Educate and engage with neighborhoods to encourage neighborhood conservation district designations
Looking ahead
The city’s planning department handles the administration of the program in conjunction with other city departments and city boards and commissions. The goal of the plan is to continue providing a framework for preserving the city’s history.
“The plan will provide support for the city’s heritage preservation program for years to come,” Hill said.