Editor's note: This story has been updated to reflect that the city has signed a contract with contractor Ceres Environmental for debris cleanup.

Plano City Council directed staff to use surplus funds to pay for additional debris cleanup resulting from severe weather in late May.

The city of Plano has contracts worth up to $600,000 with a pre-contracted vendor, City Manager Mark Israelson said during the June 10 preliminary open meeting.

The overview

The contract with Ceres Environmental is worth up to $500,000 for cleanup efforts in parks, medians and trails, while the other is worth $100,000 and used for supporting debris cleanup by the Public Works Department, Director of Emergency Management Carrie Little said. Both contracts would be paid for using the city’s rainy day fund.

With council giving the authority for the city manager to execute the contracts, the intent is to expedite debris removal, which is already being done by city staff.

“There’s a great amount of debris in the community,” City Manager Mark Israelson said. “The goal we have for the community is to get back to normal as soon as possible.”

Looking ahead

Israelson said the citywide cleanup already underway is expected to last between four and six weeks.

Both contracts will also return before council at a future meeting for approval of the nearly $600,000 expenditure.