Learn more about the candidates running for Plano ISD Board of Trustees Place 3 ahead of the May 3 election.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Candidates are listed alphabetical order.

*indicates incumbent

Nancy Humphrey *

Experience: Financial, audit, and accounting expertise 15 years on school board. Valuable relationships locally and statewide

Occupation: Accountant/Auditor, retired

Candidate Website: www.nancyhumphrey.org

Contact Information: 214-529-5524

Why are you running?

I want to continue serving our community, leveraging my 15-year board experience and financial expertise, to ensure PISD upholds its tradition of excellence as a district for student success. I bring valuable connections to the school district and expertise in the legislative process from years of advocating in Austin.

What are the biggest issues facing Plano ISD?

The most pressing issue is funding to manage the substantial inflationary cost pressures since the last increase in 2019. Another issue is teacher recruitment and retention; we need funding to provide competitive salaries. Addressing the achievement gap in student outcomes and school safety are also paramount.

How do you plan on addressing these issues?

Meet with local lawmakers to clarify our funding crisis, and I testify in Austin as needed. Continue Quest for aspiring teachers and support Teacher Incentive Allotment program. Examine periodic MAP/STAAR data to identify greatest student needs to ensure PISD tracks progress, guaranteeing all students receive the support they need.

What will your top priorities be if you are elected?

Governance that supports data-driven strategies for student success at every level. Oversight of management to ensure mission and vision are prioritized. Ensuring strong financial stewardship and resource allocation with transparency. Advocate locally and in Austin for critical funding and to retain local decision-making. Listen to the community, parents, and stakeholders.

Harper Weaver

Experience: Independent data analysis - Management and oversight - Raising three kids

Occupation: Data engineer (retired)

Candidate Website: http://harperforpisd.com

Contact Information: 657-378-0646

Why are you running?

One of The Board's most important functions is to provide oversight over The District. My background as a data engineer will allow me to do this in a way that I believe is lacking with the present board. I am capable of asking critical questions and forming my own conclusions.

What are the biggest issues facing Plano ISD?

One of the biggest issues Plano is facing is budget shortfalls. That's something that is facing districts state-wide. An issue that is more unique to Plano is responsibility for things that require special resources (discipline, ESL, etc.) is being pushed to individual campuses that don't have sufficient resources.

How do you plan on addressing these issues?

It starts with open, honest, and accountable communication. Giving the public the option to show up and talk for 3 minutes at board meetings once a month without any feedback simply isn't enough. We need more avenues for families, faculty, PTAS, etc. to express shortfalls they see.

What will your top priorities be if you are elected?

Kids need to feel safe to be able to learn. I've already had multiple parents reach out to talk to me about accounts of bullying and disciple issues they have been trying for some time to get attention on. Issues like this need to take priority.