The city of Plano and Plano ISD will hold elections for several council and board of trustees seats in May, including mayor.

The filing period opened on Jan. 15, and applications to appear on the ballot must be submitted before Feb. 14 at 5 p.m., according to Texas election code.

Up for election

The even-numbered Plano City Council seats are up for election, while Plano ISD board of trustees Places 1, 2, 3, 6 will be on the ballot.

Additionally, Plano residents in Collin County will vote for Collin College Board Places 4, 5 and 6.

Plano City Council

Council members Anthony Ricciardelli, Kayci Prince and Rick Smith currently hold Places 2, 4 and 8 respectively, and all three are set to hit their term limit and cannot run for reelection. Place 6 is held by Mayor John Muns, who was elected in May 2021.

Plano Mayor and council members are limited to two four-year terms.

Candidates for Place 2 and 4 must reside in their respective districts, and a district map can be found on Plano’s website.

Filing documents for prospective candidates can be found online, and may be filed in person, via email or fax.

Plano ISD board of trustees

Place 1, 2, 3 and 6 are currently held by Lauren Tyra, Angela Powell, Board President Nancy Humphrey and Jeri Chambers, respectively. Board seats have no term limit.

Candidate filing packets can be picked up in person at the PISD Administration Building, located at 2700 W. 15th St., by appointment. Interested candidates can also request a packet be sent by email or mail.

Trustees are elected to serve overlapping four-year terms and all places are at-large.

Collin College board of trustees

Places 4, 5 and 6 are currently held by Greg Gomel, Raj Menon and Stacy Anne Arias, respectively. Collin College board members are not subject to term limits.

Trustees are elected at-large for all nine places and serve six-year terms. Candidate packets can be found on the Collin College website.