If approved, the Long Range Facility Planning Committee’s recommendation would include the closure of Armstrong Middle School, Carpenter Middle School, Davis Elementary School and Forman Elementary School following the 2024-25 school year, impacting attendance boundaries for families near those schools.
The big picture
Students at the four closed schools would be rezoned to various nearby campuses:
- Armstrong Middle School students would be rezoned to Otto, Bowman or Murphy middle schools.
- Carpenter Middle School students would be rezoned to Haggard, Hendrick or Schimelpfenig middle schools, depending on their elementary school. Christie, Harrington and Thomas elementary school students would be rezoned to Hendrick, Haggard and Schimelpfenig, respectively.
- Davis Elementary School students would be rezoned to Harrington or Saigling elementary schools.
- Forman Elementary students would be rezoned to attend Dooley, Schell, Stinson, Meadows or Memorial elementary schools.
Boundary adjustments would also include changes for some other students across the district.
As a result of Armstrong Middle School’s closure, some students in the northwest part of Otto Middle School’s attendance boundary would be rezoned to Bowman Middle School, and some in the east part of Otto’s zone will be rezoned to Murphy Middle School.
The centralized special education program located at Carpenter Middle School would be relocated to a new campus to be named prior to the 2025-26 school year. The Regional Day School Program for the Deaf would move campuses from Davis Elementary School to Harrington Elementary School.
Several changes would be made as a result of Forman’s closure, including:
- Some students in the southern and eastern parts of Dooley Elementary's attendance zone would be rezoned to Bogges and Schell elementary schools.
- Some students on the eastern part of Schell’s attendance zone would be rezoned to Miller Elementary School.
- Some students zoned to Stinson Elementary School would be rezoned to Schell.
- Some students in the northern part of Meadows Elementary School’s boundaries would be rezoned to Memorial Elementary School.
All of the committee's recommendations, including information on proposed attendance boundary changes, can be found on the district’s website.