Plano's 12th annual Battle of the Badges blood drive challenge collected a record number of units July 8-10, the support for which came from residents responding to the July 7 shooting in Dallas. The shooting resulted in the deaths of five Dallas police officers. The blood drive allowed donors to cast friendly votes for the Plano Police Department or Plano Fire-Rescue to see which department would collect the most blood and take home the Battle of the Badges trophy. The Plano Police Department won with 484 votes against Plano Fire-Rescue's 230 votes. Combined, both departments collected 605 units of blood, which has the potential to save more than 1,800 lives, said Officer David Tilley, spokes person for the Plano Police Department. The police department shared several photos via social media thanking residents for their notes of gratitude, treats and flowers. One resident delivered donuts to the police station that spelled out "We are thankful for our Plano police officers." Plano Fire-Rescue personnel were also encouraging donors during the drive to vote police at the various donation sites around town. "The outpouring of support in the wake of the Dallas tragedy by our community has been overwhelming. Folks came out in droves to donate," he said.  "We always knew we served the best citizens and to see them rally in support of our community and its police has been incredible. We are humbled and honored to be a part of this great community. It is the citizens in our community that make Plano the city of excellence."