The city of McKinney is encouraging anyone with an outstanding warrant to take care of it as soon as possible in an effort to avoid arrest.

The McKinney marshall’s office will be targeting and arresting people with unpaid tickets and warrants as part of a statewide roundup that began Feb. 14, according to a city news release.

People with outstanding warrants can voluntarily resolve their cases without threat of arrest, according to the city.

“These warrants will not go away, so we always encourage people to avoid the surprise and take care of their violations rather than face arrest,” city warrant officer Tim Rich said in the release.

Many agencies across Texas will also be participating in the roundup, and all warrants are subject to be served, but McKinney officials will specifically be targeting Class C warrants, according to the release.

Contact the McKinney Municipal Court at 972-547-7676 or appear in person for more information on how to pay citations and avoid arrest during the warrant roundup.

To make online payments or check the current list of warrants, visit