Polls are open from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. for Election Day on Nov. 5

This year, Tarrant County voters can submit their ballots at any voting center in the county, no matter their residential address. Denton County residents, on the other hand, must look up their precinct’s designated poll based on their address.

Voters will be deciding 10 proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution, as well as special elections for the Tarrant County College, Keller ISD and the city of Keller.

Early voter turnout reached 3.88% in Tarrant County and 3.67% in Denton County, according to reports on the number of ballots cast between Oct. 21 and Nov. 1.

Polling locations can be found online at the Tarrant County and Denton County websites.

Tarrant County College

A proposal for a $825 million bond package is on the ballot. If it is approved, the community college will issue bonds to bring renovations and improvements to its five campuses and online school.

Tarrant County College expects to repay the bonds without any increase in the property tax rate, TCC Chancellor Eugene Giovannini said.

Keller ISD

The school district also has a bond proposal on the ballot. If voters approve this measure, KISD plans to issue a total of $315 million in bonds over the coming years to fund 11 capital improvement projects.

Bonds are issued with revenue collected from the interest and sinking tax rate, which is not expected to increase to pay back the debt, Superintendent Rick Westfall said.


Keller residents will be voting on two ballot measures. One is a proposal to allow all alcohol sales and open the door for liquor stores to operate within city limits.

The other measure asks voters to consider reauthorizing a 0.25% sales tax dedicated to street maintenance. A “yes” vote would mean no change to the current sales tax rate of 8.25%, and a “no” vote will mean the sales tax rate will drop to 8%.